The Single Person’s Guide to Not Being Sad on Valentine’s Day

The Single Person’s Guide to Not Being Sad on Valentine’s Day.

My boyfriend and I made our way to a fancy-pants eatry last night and had a great time and why? Because of some bullshit holiday that we recognize. I don’t “hate” Valentine’s Day, but I don’t “love” it either. Why must we pick this random Tuesday in Febuary to pull out all the stops for our loved ones? Should it be an ‘everyday’ kinda thing? Oh well. Sad, or in love, you should read this. It made me laugh.

The Single Person’s Guide to Not Being Sad on Valentine’s Day

The Single Person’s Guide to Not Being Sad on Valentine’s Day.

I don’t “hate” Valentine’s Day, but I don’t “love” it either. Why must we pick this random Tuesday in Febuary to pull out all the stops for our loved ones? Shouldn’t that be an everyday kinda thing? Anyways, thought this was absolutely hilarious and you should deffinitely read it.


Last day of Digital Imaging.

I can’t believe I went from barely knowing anything about Photoshop to the pieces I’ve made today. It’s unbelievable. I had a great class experience and I hope to develop more on my skills in the future.


Still working on the background for my piece. I was thinkin of experimenting with a bunch of items that represent my mom and collaging it all together. I will have to start a list of things that are important to her..


My cubism project is still in the works. I have the image of mother pretty set, the only problem I have is the background. I don’t know whether or not to leave it blank.. It would look strange just floating there on the sheet of paper. Not sure what to do.

Post Number Five

Came up with a couple of ideas for the cubist project, but I have no pictures yet. I’m going to see which would the best for me to do, then take them.

Post #4

Presentations are this week and I still haven’t uploaded any of my sketches. I am definitely dehind in my wordpress. As for my project, I think I’m done… Not “done” but I’ve done as much as I know how too.


Post Number 3

Making a post early morning.. I did the sketches, but I’m not sure if I did them right. My project is coming along but I still have a lot of work to do. I hope I can make it look more realistic.

Second Entry

This is my second entry.. I’ve posted my concepts and such. I don’t know how I’m going to pull this project off…

First Entry

Well, this is my first entry to my WordPress website… I’ve been working on concept ideas for the Hyper Realism project. I’m pretty set on which concept I want to work on, but I’ve been playing around with other ideas, simply to complete the homework assignment.

Hope I can get enough pictures for each concept!